But Stefan does much more than the Wood Spirits. His other pieces are what the collectors seek. From custom mantel pieces and fire place inserts, to 30' support columns. Individual free standing carvings to one of the most amazing Chess sets I have ever seen. Furniture from free stick form chairs to intricate hand carved tables. Pieces can by carved in many sizes and varieties of wood and stone, to large scale events in snow, ice and sand. Please check through his blogs pages to see the many art forms of Stefan Vinyarszky. If you have any questions on prices for existing wood spirits on hand, or qoutes for custom pieces please contact Stefan at his E-mail address
Or; If you know happen to Stefan and what to get the information faster (lol), seriously, contact me,
William Gordon
or feel free to call directly (828) 606-4080. I usually know where to find him.....In fact he is usually carving at my studio.
William Gordon
aka: Billy